Monday, December 4, 2006

Bean Bag Adventures

Together with Mommy, Daddy, and his Ate Marielle, Johan visited a photo studio recently.

Johan had lots of fun playing with many toys. But he enjoyed playing in this huge blue bean bag the most.

He took turns with his Ate Marielle playing on it while a nice young lady was taking their pictures.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Mr. Photogenic

Johan loves to pose in front of a camera.

You can count on him to be all smiles as soon as he realizes that somebody is taking photos.

He has that heart-melting smile with a faint trace of naughtiness in his eyes.

His Mommy is in love with him. His Daddy is very proud of him. His Ate Marielle believes his good looks came from her.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Growing Child

Johan is a fast-growing child. Just like his Ate Marielle.

Johan is a Promil child. Also like his Ate Marielle.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Hello World!

Johan was born on March 8, 2005. He weighed 7.33 pounds when he came out.

Her Tita and Ninang Tina, an OB Gyne, assisted during his delivery.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Introducing: Joseph Haniel

This blogsite belongs to Johan (pronounced Jo-han or Yo-han).

Johan is a healthy and good looking boy. He is the second – and so far the youngest – child of Bong and Marie Saculles.

Johan’s older sister is Marielle. Ate Marielle has her own blogsite, too. It’s at